We were able to do skin to skin right away, though we did have to cut the standard hour short because she wasn't regulating her body temp enough and needed to go into the warmer. We had a tiny scare when her initial blood sugar was low (what sent C to the NICU) but the 2nd one came back fine. It took a little while for us to get moved to postpartum because my OB was very careful in taking extra time for the placenta to come out on its own and then waiting an hour before anesthesia came in to remove the epi so we could be sure there was no sign of retained products like I had with C. By around 4pm we were all set and heading off to our room. It was definitely a great feeling to be wheeled into postpartum holding my baby.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Part 2 - Induction
So we were scheduled to report to L&D at 5am....I think we checked in around 5:10 and were set up in a room by 6am. The amount of paperwork they have you complete is insane, and we opted to donate the remaining cord blood after delayed clamping, so that was a 50 question survey. Thankfully my IV was in my left hand and I'm a rightie, otherwise I might have had to pass on that. My Group B strep test was negative, so I only needed IV fluids for hydration, and of course pitocen, which they got started around 7am. Right around this time, the weather decided to take a giant crap on our area, complete with tornado warnings and hail, so both my OB and my MW were running late, but the Dr. who delivered C happened to still be there just in case she was needed. Around 8am my OB finally made it in to check on me, there wasn't much progress but we discussed getting the epi and I chose to hold off for a bit since contractions were no worse than the ones I've had for the past few weeks. Our L&D nurse was great and encouraged me to be as mobile as possible while I could, so I walked around the area next to the bed or stood and rocked for about an hour. About 10:30 my OB came in and checked me again, still only a 4 so she broke my water, which as we had previously discussed was the point I wanted the epi, well actually I had said I wanted it prior to it being broken. I thought having my water broken would be immediately painful, but it really wasn't. Just felt like I was repeatedly peeing myself every time I shifted position. Things did pick up pretty quickly after that, and the 4 contractions I had while the anesthesiologist tried to place the epi (twice, she had to remove the first one and go lower) were pretty rough, mainly just a TON of pressure down. After that of course I was confined to the bed, and since little girl was still face up the L&D nurse had me lie on my side with one leg raised in a bracket/stirrup thing to optimize pelvic space and get her to flip. I sort of took a nap for an hour and around 12:30 I was at 10cm and almost ready to push. I am honestly not sure the exact time I started pushing, but it was insanely fast....they had me flip to my other side and told me to let them know when I felt pressure, which happened almost immediately, then the OB and a resident came in and I pushed through maybe 2 contractions and she was out. Elizabeth Avery was born at 1:25pm weighing 7lbs8oz and 21 inches long.
Made it to 37 weeks - she is here!
I actually made it to my induction date, which was, as I'm sure you can tell, actually a week ago. This past week has been crazy, and I've got lots of stuff to update, so this will just be part 1. After my last OB visit I was 3-4cm and about 75% and I swear by the time I got home I was contracting so badly that I thought I'd need to make a U-turn to L&D. They calmed down though and I made it through the weekend. I actually wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be, but I think knowing the exact date was more stressful for R. Even though I knew I could go into labor on my own, having a set "end of the road" so to speak helped me. I spent the weekend throwing together a few freezer meals, finishing up the nursery, and making sure everything was lined up for C while we were gone.
Here is the nursery all set to go!
And C's room:
I do have my final bump picture somewhere, but it appears to have been lost among the 100+ pictures of our little girl, so I'll find it later.
Here is the nursery all set to go!
And C's room:
I do have my final bump picture somewhere, but it appears to have been lost among the 100+ pictures of our little girl, so I'll find it later.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
36 weeks!! Induction scheduled!
So this is likely my last weekly update while still pregnant (because lets face it, I'm a blog slacker). Last week we met with the MW and she gave us the impression that as long as my biophysical ultrasounds looked good, we could hang on until 37w3days or so. Last night however I finally got a call back saying that my OB wasn't comfortable with that and I'd be induced at 37 weeks exactly or very close. So we are scheduled to go in to L&D at 5am on Tuesday the 13th!!
As of last week I am still only at 1cm and around 50% effaced, but my MW said I was considered a good candidate for induction and I wouldn't be needing the foley bulb. Very happy to hear that as I've heard that hurts like a bitch. Hoping for a little more progress by my appointment on Friday, with all the contractions and pressure I've had I can't imagine something hasn't progressed. I am a little concerned about induction increasing my risk of repeated retained placenta and I'll bring that up again but I know my Drs and the hospital are aware of the issue. She is also sunny side up right now, so I'm hoping she'll turn either prior to induction or during labor.
Aside from a sudden increase in itching over the weekend I've been doing okay. An increase in my meds helped ease the itching again and I'm sticking to a pretty strict low fat diet that seems to help as well. I screwed something up yesterday though and my ankles are back to being balloons again.
Pretty much everything is in place now....R just has to put her name letters up on the wall in the nursery and I have to add a few last minute things to the hospital bag. So hard to believe she will be here in less than a week!
As of last week I am still only at 1cm and around 50% effaced, but my MW said I was considered a good candidate for induction and I wouldn't be needing the foley bulb. Very happy to hear that as I've heard that hurts like a bitch. Hoping for a little more progress by my appointment on Friday, with all the contractions and pressure I've had I can't imagine something hasn't progressed. I am a little concerned about induction increasing my risk of repeated retained placenta and I'll bring that up again but I know my Drs and the hospital are aware of the issue. She is also sunny side up right now, so I'm hoping she'll turn either prior to induction or during labor.
Aside from a sudden increase in itching over the weekend I've been doing okay. An increase in my meds helped ease the itching again and I'm sticking to a pretty strict low fat diet that seems to help as well. I screwed something up yesterday though and my ankles are back to being balloons again.
Pretty much everything is in place now....R just has to put her name letters up on the wall in the nursery and I have to add a few last minute things to the hospital bag. So hard to believe she will be here in less than a week!
Monday, July 29, 2013
I finally get to make this post! Of course, I don't have 35 days left, but still....I made it to 35 weeks! A little over 2 weeks to go. I started Ursodiol on Friday to help the Cholestasis, but it takes 2-3 days for it to even begin working so I haven't noticed much difference. Last night I had to sleep with an ice pack pressed between my hands because that was the only thing that calmed the itching (itching comes from bloodstream, so ice slows blood flow and lessens itch). I called the nurse this morning to ask if my levels should be retested and if I should continue p17 injections if they want to induce in 2 weeks and she actually wasn't very helpful. Usually they are pretty good about answering questions but this time I don't think she even conferred with my OB. I do have my mid-wifes direct number but I don't think my questions are that critical since my MFM appt was moved to tomorrow and my OB appt is Thursday.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
34 weeks!
As is usual, the week got away from me, so now I am technically 34 weeks 4 days....the same gestation I was admitted with Colton. The good, actually fantastic news, is that there has been little to no change since last week. My midwife said I am probably a little more thinned out than 50, but still holding strong between 1 and 1.5cm. I would have guessed around a 2 and 80% based on the number and strength of contractions these last 3 days, so I am very relieved. On the bad news end of things, my blood work came back showing elevated cholic acid levels, so it is probable that I have developed Cholestasis. My mid wife is going to talk to my OB and get back to me by tomorrow morning, but if she agrees they will induce at 37 weeks if I make it that far. Obviously that raises some other questions about delivery, but we'll get there when they make a definite call. At least she said they can prescribe some meds to help relieve my itching.
On a different note....we bought a car! Last night my mom watched C so we could go test drive a few more, which always ends up taking longer than you think. We basically looked at 2 cars, the Hyundai Santa Fe and Toyota Highlander, and from walking on the first lot to the point we decided to buy was close to 3 hrs (and the dealerships were minutes from each other) and then another 1.5hrs for paperwork. So to that point....it was a bad, BAD idea to time things like that. Silly us thought we'd do some quick test drives and then get dinner. I didn't eat until we got home at nearly 11 and I was contracting majorly. I was almost in tears from the pain, but thankfully they stopped as soon as I ate and lay down. Anyway...we picked up my car today and I love it. Still hanging on to my trusty old jetta as good mileage get around car, but I'm so glad to have something with so much space that doesn't drive like a tank!
Aaaaand....since Internet explorer has decided to be a dickbag and crash every time I upload pics, I guess I'll once again be adding those later.
On a different note....we bought a car! Last night my mom watched C so we could go test drive a few more, which always ends up taking longer than you think. We basically looked at 2 cars, the Hyundai Santa Fe and Toyota Highlander, and from walking on the first lot to the point we decided to buy was close to 3 hrs (and the dealerships were minutes from each other) and then another 1.5hrs for paperwork. So to that point....it was a bad, BAD idea to time things like that. Silly us thought we'd do some quick test drives and then get dinner. I didn't eat until we got home at nearly 11 and I was contracting majorly. I was almost in tears from the pain, but thankfully they stopped as soon as I ate and lay down. Anyway...we picked up my car today and I love it. Still hanging on to my trusty old jetta as good mileage get around car, but I'm so glad to have something with so much space that doesn't drive like a tank!
Aaaaand....since Internet explorer has decided to be a dickbag and crash every time I upload pics, I guess I'll once again be adding those later.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
It's here! It's here!
My super awesome stroller arrived today! Very happy with the color and glad that my carseat fits well in the adapter. I have the 2nd seat too, but we are keeping that in the box for now.
Isn't it wonderful?
It is really easy to steer with one hand and has a ton of options for seat positioning. And unlike a lot of other tandem strollers, the stadium seating allows for great storage underneath rather than losing half or most of it to another seat or needed foot room.
And while I'm AWing out pictures....here is a sneak peek of the curtains that I have finally finished!
Pink sheers with ruffles at the top and bottom of panels for her room.
And transportation themed valances with dark blue panels for C's room. (plus the mod podged switch plate).
Left on our/my to do list:
Finish and hang her name letters.
Pack hospital bag.
Put away her clothes.
Getting so close!
Isn't it wonderful?
It is really easy to steer with one hand and has a ton of options for seat positioning. And unlike a lot of other tandem strollers, the stadium seating allows for great storage underneath rather than losing half or most of it to another seat or needed foot room.
And while I'm AWing out pictures....here is a sneak peek of the curtains that I have finally finished!
Pink sheers with ruffles at the top and bottom of panels for her room.
And transportation themed valances with dark blue panels for C's room. (plus the mod podged switch plate).
Left on our/my to do list:
Finish and hang her name letters.
Pack hospital bag.
Put away her clothes.
Getting so close!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
the beginning of the end?
I had my regular OB appt. yesterday and I asked for a cervical check because I had some contractions Tuesday night and even a few while sitting in the exam room waiting for the doc. I just had a feeling things were changing and I was right. I am about 1-1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. Not a big deal at all in the world of normal pregnancies, and my OB still wasn't really concerned, but we are moving to weekly appointments now, rather than the usual 36 weeks. I will also be stopping baby aspirin on Monday, to reduce the risk of excess bleeding during delivery. While I was never diagnosed with Pre-E while pregnant with C, I think I was showing preliminary signs of it when I went into PTL, and I know the aspirin is helping keep my blood pressure down and the swelling better, so that stuff will be coming back into play in full force soon. I am also getting tested for Cholestasis, because I've had horrible itching on my hands and feet in the past week. There isn't a whole lot they can do about that, other than add frequent blood tests to monitor my liver function, but it will mean full term is off the table entirely, because it increases the risk of fetal death after 38 weeks. But I'm not stressing about that until I actually have my blood work results. Right now I just want to make it until my appt next Thursday, which will be 34w4days....where I was when I was admitted to L&D with C.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
33 weeks
Some days I feel like the end is almost here and others full term seems like an impossible goal. Overall this week has been better than last week, though the last 3 days I've felt off. Even though you can't tell by looking at me, I think she has moved down. So I can breathe better now, but it feels like she is trying to punch her way through my cervix. I think I'll be opting for a cervical check tomorrow at my check up just to be safe.
Still making fairly steady progress towards being baby ready. I got my stroller! (well, it is ordered...still waiting for it to ship). The registry event was so, so much better than what I expected. I expected it to be a crowded ass mess like the big children's resales I've been to. Instead, it was well run and no more crowded than a regular shopping day...with plenty of sales people on hand to help. The downside to that is I spent much more than I planned to because it turned out the 20% off could be applied to things not on my registry, so I picked up a few nursing tanks, some clothes for C, and even a Sharper image humidifier I swore I was going to buy from Bed Bath and Beyond all winter but never did. All I need (ok, want) now are few things that only BRU carries...like another sound machine since C still uses his.
We are on night 4 of C sleeping in his new room and I think he is all settled in. The first two nights were rough, but still better than I expected. We are beyond lucky that, at this point, he sits in his bed and cries for us rather than getting out. Yesterday at naptime was the first time I didn't have to go back in to soothe him, and we've had no crying before going to sleep since, though he still wakes up sad. I've been napping when he does most days, and today I was jolted awake by a cheerful "Hi Mommy!". So we've breached the limits of the toddler (though he knew how to get out before, I just don't he is comfortable doing it when sad). Very proud of my little man.
I've finally got the 0-3 month clothes pulled out and amazingly they haven't yellowed at all, so I just to do a quick re-wash and get those sorted. Beyond that all that is left are her curtains and name letters, I'd like to borrow my MILs carpet steamer and run that before putting new stuff in the nursery, and finishing packing the hospital bag. Oh, and at some point deciding if we want to set up the pack n play downstairs and get the swing out yet.
Still making fairly steady progress towards being baby ready. I got my stroller! (well, it is ordered...still waiting for it to ship). The registry event was so, so much better than what I expected. I expected it to be a crowded ass mess like the big children's resales I've been to. Instead, it was well run and no more crowded than a regular shopping day...with plenty of sales people on hand to help. The downside to that is I spent much more than I planned to because it turned out the 20% off could be applied to things not on my registry, so I picked up a few nursing tanks, some clothes for C, and even a Sharper image humidifier I swore I was going to buy from Bed Bath and Beyond all winter but never did. All I need (ok, want) now are few things that only BRU carries...like another sound machine since C still uses his.
We are on night 4 of C sleeping in his new room and I think he is all settled in. The first two nights were rough, but still better than I expected. We are beyond lucky that, at this point, he sits in his bed and cries for us rather than getting out. Yesterday at naptime was the first time I didn't have to go back in to soothe him, and we've had no crying before going to sleep since, though he still wakes up sad. I've been napping when he does most days, and today I was jolted awake by a cheerful "Hi Mommy!". So we've breached the limits of the toddler (though he knew how to get out before, I just don't he is comfortable doing it when sad). Very proud of my little man.
I've finally got the 0-3 month clothes pulled out and amazingly they haven't yellowed at all, so I just to do a quick re-wash and get those sorted. Beyond that all that is left are her curtains and name letters, I'd like to borrow my MILs carpet steamer and run that before putting new stuff in the nursery, and finishing packing the hospital bag. Oh, and at some point deciding if we want to set up the pack n play downstairs and get the swing out yet.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
32 weeks
I had a moment this morning. One of those OMG things are really going to change soon moments. C woke up early but was in a pretty good mood so I just went in and got him rather than giving him the usual 5 minutes or so to go back to sleep. I was promptly instructed to hold Cookie Monster while he held Teddy and then carry everyone downstairs to get milk. Most mornings he takes off around the kitchen while I get his milk and start fixing breakfast, but this morning he wanted to keep being held and was just super snuggly. I know I won't always have that option soon and it makes me a little sad. I hope I can find a good balance quickly.
On the physical front I am struggling....a lot. I don't know if it is the heat, her size, my lack of exercise or what, but I feel like crap much of the day now. I am out of breath all the time and I feel weak/shaky if I stand too long. Swelling is here more often than not, though still not super visible. I don't think it is blood pressure related, because so far that has been really good, but I'll bring it up at my appt next week.
I finally got ahold of someone at Buy Buy Baby about their registry event. I made registries this time in order to get completion discounts, but BBB has an event that gives you 20% off instead of 10. Apparently I made my registry just after the invites went out, but after 3 phone calls I got a manager that said it was no problem for me to attend. I'm sure it will be a crowded clusterfuck, but I hope to walk out of there with about $125 off my City Select double, plus some diapers and other things I could use a discount on (that are normally excluded from coupons). We will see.
I am so, so close to finishing up my curtain sewing projects. C's are done and I'm pretty damn proud of them. R just has to put up the hooks for the tiebacks and they'll be set. Then it is just a matter of mounting the video camera on the wall and getting the power strip for the sound machine in place behind the anchored dresser and we are set to move him over.
On the physical front I am struggling....a lot. I don't know if it is the heat, her size, my lack of exercise or what, but I feel like crap much of the day now. I am out of breath all the time and I feel weak/shaky if I stand too long. Swelling is here more often than not, though still not super visible. I don't think it is blood pressure related, because so far that has been really good, but I'll bring it up at my appt next week.
I finally got ahold of someone at Buy Buy Baby about their registry event. I made registries this time in order to get completion discounts, but BBB has an event that gives you 20% off instead of 10. Apparently I made my registry just after the invites went out, but after 3 phone calls I got a manager that said it was no problem for me to attend. I'm sure it will be a crowded clusterfuck, but I hope to walk out of there with about $125 off my City Select double, plus some diapers and other things I could use a discount on (that are normally excluded from coupons). We will see.
I am so, so close to finishing up my curtain sewing projects. C's are done and I'm pretty damn proud of them. R just has to put up the hooks for the tiebacks and they'll be set. Then it is just a matter of mounting the video camera on the wall and getting the power strip for the sound machine in place behind the anchored dresser and we are set to move him over.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
31 weeks and triage AGAIN
And I was about to write up a post saying I feel like I make the same updates every week. Thank you body, but I'd prefer that over something new to report. Yesterday morning was my MFM appt and I had a contraction before even getting there at 8am. Since I'm beyond 30 weeks I won't check any more cervical length checks, but when it comes down to it, things can change pretty fast. Baby looked great and is estimated to be about 4lbs12oz!! So still 2 weeks ahead, but the tech said she wasn't so big they'd consider her outside the normal range. The sporadic contractions continued throughout the day, but that has been pretty normal lately so I tried not to worry about it. Damned if the stupid things didn't ramp the hell up as soon as it was after hours. Between 6pm and 7pm I easily had 20. These were also more painful and just felt different than the past 2 times, so I was more nervous this was it. Thankfully it wasn't and the trip was more or less a repeat of the 2 times before, but I did get an IV for fluids and based on partial urine results a UTI was the culprit. I started antibiotics since the holiday means I won't know results for a few days, but I've had about 13 contractions over the course of the day so I hope they help soon. The fFN was once again negative, so at least I know I've got less than 1% chance of delivering in the next two weeks, but it is hard to believe with all the discomfort and pressure I've been feeling. My guess would be I'm starting to have some shortening at this point.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
30 weeks!
In the 30s finally! A few more weeks and I'll be in the late term preemie window if this little gal shows up early. Not that any preemie is something to be excited about, but 34 weeks over 24 weeks would still be something to celebrate if you ask me.
Everything still looked good at the MFM last week, so I am back to just restricted activity thankfully, which in all honesty, probably isn't that much more restrictive than normal pregnancy is this time of year. I'm not exercising or lifting heavy things and I'm on pelvic rest....everything else is "as tolerated". So really, I just do small doses of things here and there. I don't in any way feel ready for a newborn.....I feel like our house is a disaster and I've got no room for anything, but it is coming together. I keep reminding myself that she isn't going to come out crawling, so the 40 million puzzle pieces, alphabet letters, etc that are continually spread around the downstairs aren't a critical concern at the moment. Figuring out whether or not we can fit an infant seat and the Britax in the back of my Jetta, however, is....we need to get on that. I did call the store I ordered my breast pump from, and they were really cool about contacting my insurance for me and filling the order early since I'm high risk for PTL. So my pump arrived a few days ago....one thing checked off.
C's big boy room is almost complete. I need to finish sewing the curtains and I'd like to get her curtains ironed and measured out/cut before we move him in there (because right now it is the best work space that is easily closed off from little hands) but we are in the final stages. Hopefully the transition goes smoothly sleep wise. Once all his stuff is moved over, then I'll really get down to organizing her stuff in the nursery.
After going back and forth for months on whether or not I would buy a double stroller new or try to find one used, it finally occurred to me that I could use registry completion discounts on one. So I made more or less identical registries at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us. BRU's website says no exclusions, but fine print says special orders are excluded, so I'm not sure if they'd try to call an online only stroller special order or not. If that fails, Buy Buy Baby will be my back up option.
And I suppose at some point here I should think about packing a hospital bag. I wasn't prepared with C, but 40 hrs of labor gave us plenty of time to get cameras, clothes, etc in order. It is highly possible this one could come much faster....so yeah, my to do list isn't getting shorter yet!
For some reason it looks like my bump shrunk from 29 weeks to week 30. Oh well.
Everything still looked good at the MFM last week, so I am back to just restricted activity thankfully, which in all honesty, probably isn't that much more restrictive than normal pregnancy is this time of year. I'm not exercising or lifting heavy things and I'm on pelvic rest....everything else is "as tolerated". So really, I just do small doses of things here and there. I don't in any way feel ready for a newborn.....I feel like our house is a disaster and I've got no room for anything, but it is coming together. I keep reminding myself that she isn't going to come out crawling, so the 40 million puzzle pieces, alphabet letters, etc that are continually spread around the downstairs aren't a critical concern at the moment. Figuring out whether or not we can fit an infant seat and the Britax in the back of my Jetta, however, is....we need to get on that. I did call the store I ordered my breast pump from, and they were really cool about contacting my insurance for me and filling the order early since I'm high risk for PTL. So my pump arrived a few days ago....one thing checked off.
C's big boy room is almost complete. I need to finish sewing the curtains and I'd like to get her curtains ironed and measured out/cut before we move him in there (because right now it is the best work space that is easily closed off from little hands) but we are in the final stages. Hopefully the transition goes smoothly sleep wise. Once all his stuff is moved over, then I'll really get down to organizing her stuff in the nursery.
After going back and forth for months on whether or not I would buy a double stroller new or try to find one used, it finally occurred to me that I could use registry completion discounts on one. So I made more or less identical registries at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us. BRU's website says no exclusions, but fine print says special orders are excluded, so I'm not sure if they'd try to call an online only stroller special order or not. If that fails, Buy Buy Baby will be my back up option.
And I suppose at some point here I should think about packing a hospital bag. I wasn't prepared with C, but 40 hrs of labor gave us plenty of time to get cameras, clothes, etc in order. It is highly possible this one could come much faster....so yeah, my to do list isn't getting shorter yet!
For some reason it looks like my bump shrunk from 29 weeks to week 30. Oh well.

Friday, June 14, 2013
28 weeks and triage again
If I'd made this post on Monday when I should have, it would have gone in an entirely different direction, because I was really starting to feel more confident that my last triage visit was just a fluke and things were getting back to normal. I don't think anything I did resulted in this trip, as I was still taking it easy, but Wednesday night I had a lot of contractions show up out of nowhere. The 7 I timed within a 30 minute period were 3-4min apart and about 40 seconds long. They weren't very strong, in fact I missed the first 3 or so because I thought she was just shifting around, but after seeing the spacing on my app, I knew I had to call and in to triage I went. Just like last time they couldn't find a reason for them, but she is head down again, so I do wonder if major position changes just irritate things. I was in there about 4 hrs, contracting the whole time, but the docs didn't seem as concerned this time. Most were still pretty small, but I did have a few that registered around an 8 (1-12 scale) that I had to breathe through. The only super scary point came after about an hour of monitoring, when her heart rate deceled to about 109 during a contraction. I was *thisclose* to pushing the call button and freaking out when she started kicking the heck out of the monitors and they both went all over the place, so despite being able to hear the HB clearly, I think the angle she was in just made the readout wrong.
So I was discharged with threatened PTL again and put on modified bedrest for about a week until my appt next Wednesday. I only had 4-5 contractions yesterday and no timeable ones so far today. The fFN was negative again, so my chances of seeing 30 weeks at least are pretty good. I have a feeling this will just be a cycle we go through until her weight reaches a point where contractions actually cause dilation.
Anyway...as I said, prior to all this things were looking up. C's big boy room is almost done. I bit the bullet and started sewing his curtains. Very daunting to start, but actually each step was easier than it looked. I got the two panels completed, now I have the valances and the tie backs left, then it is on to her curtains.
I finally got my Adobe Creative Suite transferred over to my current laptop. That seriously took almost a whole day of trying various forms of installation and serial numbers (because it was a downloaded upgrade and my legit numbers are now too old to work). Thank goodness I registered my stuff because they do have it still available for download on the website, no thanks to the near illiterate customer service. So I've been to mess around with some ideas for decorating her name letters. I was going to use the same stripes and polka dots I used on Colton's, but I might go full out crazy and try my hand at a damask pattern that matches the crib blanket.
Here is the nursery currently:
So I was discharged with threatened PTL again and put on modified bedrest for about a week until my appt next Wednesday. I only had 4-5 contractions yesterday and no timeable ones so far today. The fFN was negative again, so my chances of seeing 30 weeks at least are pretty good. I have a feeling this will just be a cycle we go through until her weight reaches a point where contractions actually cause dilation.
Anyway...as I said, prior to all this things were looking up. C's big boy room is almost done. I bit the bullet and started sewing his curtains. Very daunting to start, but actually each step was easier than it looked. I got the two panels completed, now I have the valances and the tie backs left, then it is on to her curtains.
I finally got my Adobe Creative Suite transferred over to my current laptop. That seriously took almost a whole day of trying various forms of installation and serial numbers (because it was a downloaded upgrade and my legit numbers are now too old to work). Thank goodness I registered my stuff because they do have it still available for download on the website, no thanks to the near illiterate customer service. So I've been to mess around with some ideas for decorating her name letters. I was going to use the same stripes and polka dots I used on Colton's, but I might go full out crazy and try my hand at a damask pattern that matches the crib blanket.
Here is the nursery currently:
So wall color, furniture, and most bedding is staying the same. Not sure about the picture, since it was a gift for C, but probably won't go in his new room. Her letters will hopefully go right in the existing holes (or at least cover them) and I want to add paint chip chandeliers on either side (search Pinterest if you have no clue what I'm talking about). I've got the material for her curtains, which will be pink, as will be her name letters and I've got some ideas for sprucing up that crappy lamp shade. I know.....a lot to do when I can do very little at the moment but in the end, this time the needed stuff is all there so I will just do what I can, when I can. I have a list of non-baby/kid things I wanted to have accomplished by now too....such as the one plantless planter outside our front door.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Awesome ultrasound!
I had my monthly ultrasound with MFM yesterday and everything went great. Cervix is still long and closed, so no concern there. Little girl is now breech, which I expected from some pretty sharp cervical kicks yesterday...it was either that or she was coming in the middle of the grocery store. She still has plenty of time to turn, so for now I'll happily take the lack of pressure on my SI joint.
The tech checked the brain, heart, kidneys, etc, along with the placenta, cord flow and fluid levels, so pretty much everything that could raise cause for concern. She measured the abdomin about 10 times, so I knew something was up with weight measurements. Sure enough, this girl has caught right up to her brother and is measuring 2 weeks ahead at 2lbs 14oz at 27w3days! So currently in the 90th percentile. I have to be honest, I was happier with just a week ahead, even though higher birth weight is better in preemie terms. Trying not to jump to any conclusions, but this makes me pretty sure I won't be allowed to go past my due date if we get to that point. I will ask my doc in 2 weeks, but I know when C was measuring 2 weeks ahead at 30 weeks with his abdomen in the 93rd percentile the possibility of a c-section was brought up. My other thought of course was that if she is on the same track weight wise, and they don't know the cause for PTL the first time, maybe my cervix just craps out once baby hits a certain weight. I was hoping with a week ahead or on track she'd make it 2 weeks farther, but now I'm not so sure.
The tech also spent some time getting us some really amazing shots of her face. The quality of 4D has improved vastly since I was pregnant with C, and I thought it was pretty great then....I was just blown away at what I could see now. It was almost like looking at a photograph of her.
So here is our beautiful daughter!
The tech checked the brain, heart, kidneys, etc, along with the placenta, cord flow and fluid levels, so pretty much everything that could raise cause for concern. She measured the abdomin about 10 times, so I knew something was up with weight measurements. Sure enough, this girl has caught right up to her brother and is measuring 2 weeks ahead at 2lbs 14oz at 27w3days! So currently in the 90th percentile. I have to be honest, I was happier with just a week ahead, even though higher birth weight is better in preemie terms. Trying not to jump to any conclusions, but this makes me pretty sure I won't be allowed to go past my due date if we get to that point. I will ask my doc in 2 weeks, but I know when C was measuring 2 weeks ahead at 30 weeks with his abdomen in the 93rd percentile the possibility of a c-section was brought up. My other thought of course was that if she is on the same track weight wise, and they don't know the cause for PTL the first time, maybe my cervix just craps out once baby hits a certain weight. I was hoping with a week ahead or on track she'd make it 2 weeks farther, but now I'm not so sure.
The tech also spent some time getting us some really amazing shots of her face. The quality of 4D has improved vastly since I was pregnant with C, and I thought it was pretty great then....I was just blown away at what I could see now. It was almost like looking at a photograph of her.
So here is our beautiful daughter!
She looks so much like C. I looked back at his 4D pics but nothing was even close to clear enough to show the similarities, so here is C on the day he came home.
I just can't get over how clear this picture is!
Monday, June 3, 2013
3rd Trimester and a 2nd Birthday!
It was a busy weekend but I've finally made it to 3rd trimester! I am glad I managed to stay away from Google when I had my PTL scare at 24weeks...I didn't realize just how low survival rates actually were that soon after hitting viability. At 27 weeks it jumps to 90%, so our odds are much better now. She is still turning around like crazy in there, and every time she picks a new position I have a few hours of what feels like contractions beginning, but not ever happening. I've had one or two full contractions here and there, but that is it.
I am still taking it easy, and I am glad we decided on a low key event with just the grandparents for C's 2nd birthday, because I was exhausted just handling that. In the end it all worked out well and C loved his cookie monster cake. I can't believe my little man is 2 already!
I am still taking it easy, and I am glad we decided on a low key event with just the grandparents for C's 2nd birthday, because I was exhausted just handling that. In the end it all worked out well and C loved his cookie monster cake. I can't believe my little man is 2 already!
My next appt is Thursday and will be a full u/s, so hopefully I get some good pictures of our little girl.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
26 weeks
Blogger sucks and I am lazy. I couldn't get the picture feature to work so I haven't made the effort to even write a post. All my appts. last week went well. Apparently that Ffn test was the only reason I wasn't admitted to L&D that Thursday. I asked if they would repeat the test and my OB said not unless we are faced the admit or don't admit choice again. I almost made it 2 weeks with no contractions, but I had one last night and have had BH off and on all day today. I also had some godawful round ligament pain yesterday afternoon. So bad that I almost called my OB just to ask WTF I could do to help it go away. It lasted almost 20 minutes and all I was doing was resting and reading a book when it started. Horrible burning pain all over. Ugh. I felt sore and yucky for the rest of the day. My guess is it has something to do with the sudden jump in temperature....it has been in the 80s the past 2 days, up from mid 60s-70. Doesn't really bode well for the rest of the summer.
So 2 years ago today we were heading in to L&D thinking we'd get sent home in a few hours, only to be admitted until C was born 2 days later. There was a big heat wave that weekend too...pretty sure if I was farther along now and this LO was in the 5-6lb range I'd have made another trip to L&D this time too. Only a few more days until 3rd trimester.
So 2 years ago today we were heading in to L&D thinking we'd get sent home in a few hours, only to be admitted until C was born 2 days later. There was a big heat wave that weekend too...pretty sure if I was farther along now and this LO was in the 5-6lb range I'd have made another trip to L&D this time too. Only a few more days until 3rd trimester.
Monday, May 20, 2013
25 weeks!
Still pregnant! Overall I'm feeling better, both physically and mentally. Friday I still had contractions throughout the day, but not frequently enough to call...closest were about 30 minutes apart in the evening. Saturday evening I had 5 or 6 contractions and haven't had any since, so that is good news. I am still taking it easy of course, but I am not as panicked that the littlest thing will be the tipping point. I spoke to the nurse at my OB's office this morning, just to clarify what I should and shouldn't be doing, and she seemed pretty happy with my update on lack of contractions. I can do light activity, such as washing a few dishes or folding laundry, just as long as I take breaks. I still need to avoid lifting Colton, which is of course the hardest part. Today was a little better, but I feel like I'm missing out on time with him since I can't do anything...and it has only been 3 days! He is growing up so quickly right now, more and more I look at him and see a little boy rather than a baby and I don't want to miss a single moment of these last baby days. I guess this is my first taste of balancing two children.
In finding a silver lining in all this mess, my sciatica pain is all but gone. I am almost positive she is transverse now, and I really wonder if that could be what set this all off in the first place. Right now she is getting some kicks up near my ribs, but her hands are definitely down on my left now rather tucked far to right sitting on that nerve. I feel about as big as I did at 30 weeks with C though....like I'm already running out of room when I sit down. The other fun thing the last few days have brought is sore boobs. I don't know if the steroid shots have any side effects for me, but holy hell I feel like I've been breastfeeding for a few weeks they hurt so much.
Haven't taken a weekly bump pic yet, but I will.
In finding a silver lining in all this mess, my sciatica pain is all but gone. I am almost positive she is transverse now, and I really wonder if that could be what set this all off in the first place. Right now she is getting some kicks up near my ribs, but her hands are definitely down on my left now rather tucked far to right sitting on that nerve. I feel about as big as I did at 30 weeks with C though....like I'm already running out of room when I sit down. The other fun thing the last few days have brought is sore boobs. I don't know if the steroid shots have any side effects for me, but holy hell I feel like I've been breastfeeding for a few weeks they hurt so much.
Haven't taken a weekly bump pic yet, but I will.
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