Saturday, December 1, 2012

monitoring #3

I told myself I'd be thrilled with a lining of 7.2, happy with 6.8, and braced myself for a 6.3.  I saw one of the actual REs again and even with being a little quick she got a 7.13.  So I am still feeling pretty good about things.   She did agree that the 11mm follie that was measured the past two appts was most likely the residual cyst.  I had about 3 smaller follicles on the left and still about 5 on the right, but they aren't very big.  Thankfully we aren't really concerned about follicle size since it is an FET, so I'm guessing as long as my lining and hormone levels look good, they could trigger me with follies as small as 14mm.  

I don't know if my chart is flagged as the girl with a gazillion questions or if the Dr. was just in a problem solving mood, but she came asking how things were and if there were any issues.  I mentioned the poor lining for my past 2 cycles and she asked if I'd ever been tested for a Vitamin D deficiency.  I don't think I have, at least not recently, so they will run that along with my usual stuff at my next blood draw.  She said sometimes that can affect implantation rates, particularly in endo patients, so we'll see.

E2 is up to 72, so it is climbing, just curiously slow.   I go back in tomorrow to see if I need to start the Ganirelix.

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