Saturday, December 8, 2012

#8 and still going

Today was an odd experience.  Aside from waiting for 45 min (after 2 retrievals, 9 monitoring appts, and 3 IUIs ahead of me) the Dr couldn't get a clear measurement on my lining.  There was some shadow on the u/s which made it hard to see and then he said he thought my uterus might be contracting (normal but a PIA for u/s purposes) and making the lining thinner than it really is because the first measurement was 6.1!!  The second measurement was a 9, which was too wonky in the other direction, and the 3rd was about an 8, which is where I'm praying it really is, but after checking the follicles it was back in the 6.9 range again.  So of course I'm questioning whether easing off the red raspberry leaf did it (popped 2 pills at lunch just in case) or if that drink I sipped last night fucked me over.   My estrogen is up to 188 and I will go back in tomorrow for what will hopefully be my last appt. before triggering.


  1. Good luck lady! Said a prayer for you tonight at church! I hope this all works out for you!

  2. GL! Hopefully the red raspberry leaf does its thing.
