Thursday, December 20, 2012

5dpt take 2

Come on now, you didn't really think I had as much self control as I said, did you?

After I put C down for his nap, I POAS one more time because those "evaps" were bugging me.  Same result but the squinter came in at 5 minutes rather than 9.  I was going to call it quits for the day, but decided to test out an OPK I had lying around....and it came back positive.   So I opened an Answer brand test I bought yesterday and watched the control line come up alone and resigned myself to accepting the BFN.  A few seconds later the 2nd line came up and I said "OMG, this is real" aloud to no one before I started crying and shaking.   I pulled myself together to get a picture, at which point my camera battery I took a digital while waiting for a few minutes of charge.

R was in the basement wrapping gifts, so real quick I whipped together some felt letters and glued them to a onesie I had.  C woke up right as I finished and I sent him to show Daddy his shirt.   It was very cute, though C didn't share our happy sentiment at first.
He cheered up after he got his morning snack.
 I'm 11 days past trigger, so I'm still really nervous that this isn't "real", but I know I had a negative 2 days ago so I'm taking a leap of faith and believing it!  I got my beta moved up to the 26th, they won't do it earlier than 10 days past transfer.