Saturday, December 15, 2012

Transfer complete

This time through our transfer was at 9am, so I had to start chugging water shortly after breakfast.  I drank roughly 32oz of water by the time the u/s tech checked me and she said my bladder was still empty!  So I chugged about 8oz more, which is quite a lot when you've only got about 15 minutes and feel full already.   At that point the tech checked again and even though I wasn't quite there, she said to stop drinking water because I'd need the bed pan in about 20 minutes.  Transfer happened around 9:30.  Turns out I was the only patient the entire morning, so they had to open and staff the office just for me, so I felt kind of bad, but they it happens all the time with early morning transfers.  We transferred one good looking blast.  It was the same doc as last time, and though this blast wasn't quite as mature as the last one, from what he told me I think it thawed better and he said we had a good shot again.

Since I was the only patient, I just stayed on the transfer table, which they actually inclined a little toward my head.  No, I don't think that helped the embryo, but it did help my bladder for a bit.  The nurse checked on me at the 20 minute mark and I was still managing, but 5 minutes later, I knew I'd never make it another 15.  That is right, I had to use the bed pan.  It wasn't quite as humiliating an experience as I'd imagined because we were in our own room (as opposed to the normal post transfer area with cloth partitions between patients) and it was just R in there. 

I will post a picture of our embryo once I'm off bedrest.  Beta is 12/28.


  1. Can't wait to see pics! I have everything crossed for you!! Enjoy the bedrest.

  2. Fingers Crossed! Can't wait to hear about some POASing
