Sunday, November 4, 2012


More than ouch actually....I've got mild/moderate OHSS and holy shit this hurts.  Starting yesterday morning I had pains that fell somewhere between food poisoning and labor.  No weight gain, but it was also accompanied by diarrhea, so that could by why.  I spent most of yesterday curled around a heating pad, which is how I'm sitting right now.  It did get a little better for a few hours in the evening, but then returned with a vengence and that is the holding pattern I'm in now.   I talked to the on-call doc this morning, just out of fear that waiting this out might somehow mean a canceled transfer.   He said since there was no retrieval this is somewhat expected and as long as there is no extreme weight gain, shortness of breath or vomitting I should be ok.   He did offer a pain script but said they don't usually like to give those prior to transfer and I agreed, so I'll just tough it out.

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