Tuesday, November 13, 2012


6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood

Still negative and officially past BFP point with my first IVF.  I also discovered that SIX of my eight FRERs expire this month.  I buy all my tests on ebay and figured they'd get used up before now when I bought them in the summer.  And apparently when you have a FRER that expires the month you are using it, you can see the test line as the pee moves across the window.  What a cruel, cruel trick.  I know it is still too early to call it officially, but this is getting depressing and frustrating.  Trying to cycle again before Christmas will be a huge clusterfuck, if at all possible.  And frankly, I don't think I can take another cycle of trying to work things out around R's precious fucking hunting plans.   He was gone this whole past weekend, so no taking it easy for me.  He seriously went as far as mentioning cutting my bedrest short if transfer had been on Thursday.   So I get the joyous priorities talk to look forward to again as well.

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