Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WTF is wrong with people?

A new person introduced themselves today on one of the boards I frequent. In her intro was this:

i've been trying for about 2 years but my husband just jumped on board about 3 months ago....

yeah....you read that right, she has been on the baby wagon for 2 damn years but just managed to talk her husband into agreement recently. So how, you might ask, does that work? We've all heard the jokes about holes in condoms or seen the Lifetime movies where the wife secretly stops her BCP, but this takes the cake:

i've been off b/c for 5 years now and have always been using the pull out method. i've been ready for a baby since the day i was born so waiting so long was killing me! i researched everything about getting pregnant, pregnancy, ect. on every website known to the WWW. i would count the days of my cycle, check my cm and even tried taking my bbt (on the dl) and would pounce on my husband the days i believed i was most fertile....using the pull out method, i'd prayed for pre-ejaculate to do the trick.

So this nutjob did everything possible to deceive her husband (well, aside from collecting sperm from used condoms and injecting it herself). I am surprised she didn't try locking her legs around him. But then of course he'd know, I mean, she must of had her "it was an accident" speech all planned out.

Anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? Some days I truly believe that is an accurate portrayal of the future of humanity.


  1. I don't see the problem.

    LOL. People really, truly amaze me sometimes.
