Thursday, January 27, 2011

17 weeks

Seems like every week I sit here and say I can't believe it is already ___ weeks, but really, time seems to be moving so fast now.  A few short weeks ago the days weren't passing so quickly, but I suppose being more comfortable with where I am now helps things along.  It doesn't seem fair that it works that way...time drags when you are anxious, and flies by when you are not (unless, of course, you are anxious/dreading something in the future, in which, time will fly then too).

So lets see...changes to report this week.  I think I'm showing a little more, but I think it is increased lack of being able to comfortably suck in what is there rather than a change in actual bump size.  I definitely notice it when I hug DH, but when I sit down I just look fat.  :(

Over the weekend I started have hip pains, probably from stretching ligaments...and yesterday I noticed soreness around my rib area, so maybe signs are pointing to popping soon?  I guess I thought I'd be seeing a little more rapid change at this point.

 And look!  My first picture here in real maternity clothes.  Other than sweats and pajamas, I think I may I have said I've scrapped the non-maternity stuff, minus one or two longer sweaters.  A few weeks ago a friend that had her little girl in November gave me a giant tub of maternity clothes, and last weekend a neighbor brought over about 3 huge storage tubs of clothes as well.  There was so much that we went through it and I picked out a few things I didn't even see the need to try on (red velvet Christmas top anyone?) and then this past Sunday I spent a few hours trying on all the stuff and starting to sort it by season.   I still haven't gone through all the pants, but it gave me a great chance to get an idea of the style of pants (full panel, mid-panel, under belly) that I like best.  For jeans I'm finding full panel works best, because you can fold them over for extra waistband support (all of them slide down anyway though).  I tried on pants from Old Navy, Motherhood Maternity, Target, Pea in A Pod, and the most comfortable waistband and the most well made ones I found are Gap, so I think I may end up buying a few pairs to keep.

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