Monday, January 17, 2011

3 day weekends are great...

especially when you would have to take Monday as a sick/personal day otherwise.  Nothing major, just a repeat more or less of last week.   At least it held off until yesterday, because R was out of town most of the weekend, so there were only a few hours where I was dealing with it alone.

I don't like it when R is gone because I never sleep well.  No real reason...I just don't.  Well, our idiot dog decided to compound my trouble sleeping by barking loudly at invisible intruders in the middle of the night.  So despite the fact that our alarm system was on and untriggered, I still had to get up search the house with a loaded glock for peace of mind.  Just the thing you want to do when exhausted and pregnant.  So after checking everything I went back to bed with the hall light on, because my irrational fear said that would allow me to see any approaching shadow before it got to the room (assuming I was awake...yeah, I know).  Finally around 5am, after waking up almost every hour, I turned it off and managed to sleep until 7:30 when it was time to feed the cats.
I fully expected to wake up to problems based on the stress of the night before (I kindly left out the earlier part where something I ate decided to get major revenge) but I was fine until around 9am when I starting bleeding while trying to get the dog to cooperate long enough to get his collar on and put him outside.  FYI, sciatica flares make it quite difficult to get to the bathroom quickly.  It is even more pathetic when you think the bleeding has stopped and try to get in a quick shower, only to figure out you were wrong and you are now reenacting a mini version of the shower scene from Carrie.  Anyway, I went back to bed for a few hours and it looked like things were getting better, but around noon I felt that same abdominal pressure I had before the last really big clot, but only had some heavier bleeding for a minute and that was basically it.  It is still red but back to mostly spotting.   I talked to the nurse this morning but since I just had an u/s Thursday we will wait and see (and I'm fine with that).  She did say if I ever have any type of pressure in the future I should call so they can get me into to triage.
On a more fun level, I think I am starting to pop/show for real now.  When I woke up yesterday there was definitely a difference from other mornings, and when I'm lying down my belly still looks like a little bump.  I promise to post a pic in the next few days.


  1. Can't wait to see a picture of your bump! :-)

    Also... I’m giving you the Stylish Blogger award! :-) Click back over to my blog to check it out!

  2. Sheesh what a long night! I also cannot wait to see your bump!
