Wednesday, October 20, 2010

full transfer story

So here is the longer version of yesterday.  I woke up early in anticipation of our final fertility report.  The first time they called at 8:30 and the second time was around 9:30 so I expected the call to be somewhere in there.  They still hadn't called by the time I left for my acupuncturist appointment at 10.  If you've seen He's Not That Into You and remember the scene where she is constantly looking at her phone even though it hasn't rung....yeah, that was me. 
I finally texted a friend I'd met through on of the message boards that had cycled at our clinic in March, because I was starting to freak out that something was wrong.  She reassured me that she didn't get her report until she went into the office for transfer, so I felt a little better.  At 11am I decided to call anyway, because I really wanted to know what we were working with before I was on the table deciding 1 vs. 2 embryos.   I talked to a lab tech and she wasn't able to tell me much of anything, only that they'd selected a few for possible transfer and were still watching others.  She couldn't even give me a total count of surviving embryos.   So I this point I go into complete meltdown mode, on the drive home from my acupuncturist mind you.  It wasn't so much just the lack of embryo detail, but I think it was the breaking point for me for everything.  I'd done so well up to this point and I was terrified of it all going to hell.  I spent the entire 30 minute drive crying/fighting tears.  I kept telling myself to toughen up and stop because if R saw me all red eyed when I walked in he'd think they all arrested on us.  Luckily he was upstairs working and I had time to re-check my paperwork, which said they'd give the final report prior to transfer, rather than specifying the morning of transfer like I had thought.  Lesson learned, re-read before freaking out.

So the transfer itself went fairly easily.   I forgot to factor in lunch still sitting in my stomach when I timed my water drinking, so it hadn't quite made it all the to my bladder when they first checked me and we had to wait an extra 10 minutes or so.   They took me back to the same creepy room they used for the retrieval, but at least this time R was with me and there was no unnerving asshat of an anesthesiologist bumbling around.

One of the other four REs did the transfer.  He came in and spoke with us briefly about our embryos and reiterated that it is the clinic's policy to only transfer one embryo.   I asked if the quality of the recommended embryo was high to give us good success rates with a single transfer...his response was that he gives all couples a 50/50 chance no matter what....gee, thanks.   I should have straight up asked him what grade it was, but since I didn't know enough about grading to help us with our decision right then we just went with his advice.

The transfer itself didn't take too long.  We were able to see the blob of fluid our embryo was get injected into my uterus.  Then they moved me over to a gurney and rolled me back to the recovery area, where I had to stay, lying down, for 45 minutes....with a full bladder.  The nurse said if I couldn't make it, to send R to the nurses station and they'd help me use a bedpan.  There was no way I was going to let that happen, so I managed to hold it, while trying not to laugh at R or anything else.  Very difficult when you have nothing to do but stare at a ceiling.   Once my time was up I got dressed and booked it down the hallway to the main bathroom, which was thankfully empty.  There was a bathroom right next to recovery, but it was primarily the collection room, complete with magazines and a TV.  This of course, was the butt of many of R's jokes as I waited to get up, since we'd never seen/used it, which, needless to say, was not something I planned on doing then.


  1. :) Thanks for sharing. Hoping we see a pregnancy post from you in about a week or so! :)

  2. I'm so sorry you were so upset. IVF was such an emotional roller coaster because of the meds and the fact that they didn't tell you much wasn't a help. The anxiety through all of this is the worst! I'm so glad your transfer went well and I am hoping for the best for you! FX this is it for you and R!!! :)

  3. I'm glad your transfer went well! Sending sticky dust and many prayers! GL!
