Monday, October 25, 2010


6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood

All the stress and worry that I managed to not have too much of during this cycle has finally caught up with me.  I actually cried at work this morning.  Last week I added/changed some stuff on our website and it took me all freaking morning because people kept changing their minds about what should/shouldn't be on the main page.  So when boss came to me and said I had to change it again, the frustration was just too much and I ended up in tears.  I've been testing with crappy internet cheapies and other than an evap line or two, they have been negative.  So I was feeling depressed before I even left for work, and R said I need to stop reading the support boards because it doesn't help.  I told they do help, and then as I walked downstairs as said "you don't help".  Which, in the 2ww, is true.  He is wonderfully supportive at all other times, but for some reason he thinks I should have undying faith that everything is fine during each 2ww.  I try, but it usually only lasts until about 11dpo, when I start being realistic instead.  He came downstairs and we talked a bit before work, and he said I shouldn't get so worked up and that we still have a week until our beta and me stressing isn't going to help.  Of course I know that, but it doesn't make it much easier.


  1. You're entitled to your feelings. I think because their bodies do not go through what ours go through, they just cannot understand, and they want to try and "help". HUGGSSS.

  2. I'm so sorry! ((big hugs)) All the feelings you're having, you are entitled to. Do whatever you need to do, cry, throw things, yell, whatever. I say a prayer for you every day.
