Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 3 fertility report.

This morning I actually woke up from a nightmare crying.  I had a dream that the embryologist called and said only 5 embryos were still alive and they were all 1 cell and none would make it to day 5.  It took me a minute or two to wake up and realize it wasn't real, but naturally I couldn't get back to sleep knowing that the real call would be coming in a few hours.

So the real report was much better than we expected.  All 17 all still dividing and are in various stages.  I didn't ask for exact numbers, for once I'm okay without all the facts, one less thing to worry about.  My paperwork says they should be between 4 and 8 cells by now.   R asked if it was unusual for all of them to still be alive and I told him I have no idea (anyone know?).  It's not exactly something I'd ask on one of the support boards, where many would love to have a report like that, no questions asked.

I also talked to one of the REs.  Ever since the ER, I've more or less been feeling like crap.  No fever and no weight gain (a miracle I haven't figured out yet) so I didn't think it was OHSS, but something clearly wasn't right.  I've had terrible stomach and abdominal pains for almost 4 days now.  It hurts to eat and it hurts more when my bladder is full (a problem for the transfer).  The RE said it was most likely the doxycycline that I'm taking, so I should stop that and call them back if it doesn't improve or is worse by tomorrow.


  1. I am glad your embryos are doing well, but I hope you start feeling better soon.

  2. Yes, that is phenomenal. Feel better soon!

  3. I hope you feel better, but what a great fert report!!
