Thursday, September 17, 2009

RE consult

Nothing too surprising, I will need surgery if this isn't my BFP cycle. All my bloodwork came back fine (so did H's) and apparently I have awesome cholestorol levels. My FSH level was 6.3, which is good (apparently 10-12 is considered not so good).

She explained that while my septum is small (incomplete septum), they normally do a hysteroscopy at the same time as the laparoscopy surgery so they will remove it anyway.

So once AF shows, I will start BCPs to keep my lining to a minimum (no way around, but luckily I don't have to be on them very long if I can get surgery scheduled quickly. So best case scenario I will only have to be on them 3 weeks and stopping them should jumpstart a new cycle...that is only missing half of my normal cycles!

The plan right now will be to start Clomid the cycle after the surgery. I will meet with her one week post-op to discuss if the results require something more agressive.

Oh, I was hugely relieved that if this is our BFP cycle, the septum is not a huge risk (unless the embryo implants on it of course).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is big news. Good luck with the surgery, thankfully it's only a few more weeks until you're back in the game.
