Thursday, October 15, 2009

Recovery day 1

I will probably condense these recovery posts eventually, but right now I figure I just write how I am feeling as I go so it is fresh in my mind. Right now I am actually feeling ok. I have propped myself up on the sofa (sort of half sitting up with my legs up) while I ate a little soup and took another percocet. I did the same thing last night long enough to eat a little soup for dinner, but otherwise I have been laying as flat on my back as possible to keep the trapped air from traveling upward and it seems to help my incision pain too. Until recently, the pain pills werent' even touching my pain (or maybe they were and I would've been near dead without them).

Many Lap experiences I've read say the trapped air is much worse than the incision pain. Well, those people must have been high as a fucking kite the whole time because these things hurt like a bitch. I have one in my belly button (most painful) on right above the pubic mound, one directly inside my right hip bone (second most painful) and one slight above that to the right of my belly button. I think laying flat has successfully kept the gas pain from being too bad. I got that suggestion from the comments left here....all very helpful.

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