Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear pregnant board poster...

It is fine if you wish to remain on a board about getting pregnant after you have already done so. I understand wanting to stay with people you know. It is NOT, however, okay to bitch about your symptoms. The rest of us would love to in your shoes right now, and your whining just pisses me off. I realize morning sickness probably sucks for many people, so I can see a comment here and there or if someone asks. Multiple posts in a matter of hours (and joining in on a non-pregnant pity party? so not cool) is straight up inconsiderate. Move on to the 1st trimester board with the rest of the harpies that got KU on their first try and don't fully appreciate their situation. Or stay, and learn to STFU about some things.

Thank you.


  1. no kidding. i would really enjoy some morning sickness right about now. i don't think people realize that the complaining isn't only insensitive, but it's just plain stupid. you knew you wanted to get pregnant, and you did. suck it up and deal with it, because you asked for it to happen!

  2. You forgot about the girl that gets pregnant while on the pill and claims to have IF. Are you friggin kidding me?
