Monday, November 1, 2010

We have doubling!

I went in as early as possible this morning and I asked if I could wait for the results.  I was told it would be about an hour, which was fine, so I settled in with a magazine.  About an hour later, done with the magazine, I still had no results and also nothing left to occupy myself (Time and Sports Illustrated just wasn't going to cut it) so I resorted to staring at the walls, floor and fiddling with my phone...trying not to get to nervous.  The wait for beta #1 is hard enough, but waiting for the second results is pure torture.  You already know you are pregnant, but is it still going up?  is it over already?  will you be left with inconclusive results?  The longer I sat there the worse it got.  And of course, while I waited, some twat with 3 kids comes in, drags them and her husband back to her appt., and loudly mentions to the receptionist on her way out that she is 8 weeks pregnant.  WTF?  If you can't find/afford a babysitter now, you shouldn't be having more.  I don't care if you think it is a family event, an 8 week u/s is no place for siblings to be, and sure as hell not in an infertility clinic.  Dumbass.

Anyway, after about an hour and a half the nurse called me back (well, not really, she just took me around a corner and gave me the news in the hallway...since it was good).  My beta is now 1031.6...that is a 232.56% increase from Friday and the nurse said they look for a 60% increase!  I go back for beta 3 on Wednesday and my first ultrasound should be Thursday or Friday.  I can't wait!!