Friday, November 5, 2010

5 week u/s

I have to be honest, while we were thrilled to see something, it was not the teary joy-filled moment I'd somehow built it up to be.  At first you couldn't see anything at all, so the nurse had to adjust the u/s wand a number of times and push at all kinds of uncomfortable angles to find the sac, but at least that means it is well buried in my lining.   I had really hoped to see the yolk sac, but no such luck.  The nurse said at exactly 5 weeks what we did see (the gestational sac) was what she would expect.  Next week we should be able to see the heartbeat, which is the next big milestone we are holding our breaths for. 

Here is the beautiful little gestational sac.

She also checked my ovaries.  My right one looks great, with a couple small cysts from where they drained the follicles.  My left one, however, has a huge cyst at 24mm, which the nurse made seem as though it was expected, but it means I'm still on limited activity and no sex.  She said it should shrink by about 8 weeks or so. 


  1. Congrats again! I can't wait to read a great update next week after your next u/s.

  2. I know I said this on the board last night, but what a beautiful sight! I can't wait to see how next week goes!

  3. That's one beautiful, perfect looking sac! CONGRATS!!!
