Monday, December 7, 2009

The more you know...

I had my 3rd monitoring appt. this morning and I am fairly confident I will be triggering tonight, because I've had a ton of EWCM and an almost pos. OPK yesterday. So this u/s showed my lining was still around 6.8, so chances are I was wrong last appt. (it must have been 5.8 or something) because when I asked if it was still too thin, the tech said no, they usually like to see it around a 6 or a 7 (I was thinking they wanted at least an 8). So I am right where I need to be!

My left follie was 21 x 24mm and looked huuuge, and a little lumpy too (which also makes me think I'm about to O, though I have no medical opinion to back that part of the theory up). There was some fluid in my uterus, but the tech said that didn't mean we'd missed the fertile window.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the trigger update! Hope you are trigger tonight and that this is it for you!
