Tuesday, December 29, 2009

MIL knows..

...about our TTTC problems now. She noticed how upset I was after SILs announcement and basically asked straight out the next day if we were having problems. I couldn't lie to her face (and of course I started to tear up again) so I told her we were having trouble getting pregnant. She then said it took her 4.5 years to get pregnant, so for a second I thought...wow...she really does understand. Then she bestowed this wonderful piece of wisdom on me; we will get pregnant if we......wait for it.....you ready?....."just relax".

That is when I remembered that a) MIL didn't want children at all when she got married and b) she was 18 when she got married and had her oldest at 23, so yeah, I doubt she ever really TTC. WTFever.


  1. Hey maybe if you keep your feet up after or put a pillow under you it will happen right away?? Maybe?? Gotta love everyone's suggestions. My DH's coworker's wife is goin through IVF and he said all it took her was to just have timed intercourse and RELAX!!! Hello, you had IVF!! People just are oblivious! I am rooting for you girl!

  2. Dude, MIL's just don't get it. Mine was Fertile Myrtle and actually said at our Christmas dinner that babies that were "oops babies" were more special b/c they came out of love. Yeah, she knows about our problems. Big burn.

    ((HUGS)) L
