Monday, June 28, 2010

Thoughts on those that have moved on.

This post is entirely about the support boards that I post on.  The IF/trouble/loss boards are all a very close supportive group of women.  But I've noticed something for quite a while now and it bugs the shit out of me.  There are certain members that are happy to bleed you fucking dry of support and then disappear, if not immediately, within a very short time of their BFP.   I understand if you weren't on the boards long, everyone is that new person who is aware to move on without looking back at some point.  But the ones that were with for months?  more than a year?? We supported you then, and we would support you now, but if you don't care enough to come back and give updates when we ask for them or post in SAIFW posts, you are just a user.  So glad you didn't have to try as hard as the rest of us that are still here...really (no, really, we don't need your flaky selfishness around us) seem so grateful for what you've been through.  NOT.

Bite me.


  1. Sorry... I couldn't agree more, I call them faux friends.

  2. Ita. Part of the reason I'm taking a break is because I'm tired of feeling like a leper. My if isn't contagious and if my if is too much of a downer for you, then foad because I don't need you around

  3. ITA too L. I'm not liking the vibe of our board lately. I can't put my finger on exactly why but somethings off.
