Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Every time...

I go to the bathroom in the end of the 2ww I need to give myself  a little pep talk...telling myself it will be ok if AF is here..we will be strong and try again, but honestly it goes something like this:

pee - glance at the toilet for blood tinged  good
wipe - check TP, still no tinge...extra points!
check internally - reserved for the days where you expect AF within hours...still clear?  living on borrowed time!

so this is where I am right now.


  1. I do the same thing! I'm praying you don't get Af this month. ((hugs))

  2. yep yep. when is testing? you're stronger than I am if you actually wait the entire 2 weeks.

  3. Since I had so many pos. OPKs, I started testing last weekend...I've moved my CHs twice, otherwise FF would say I was about 20dpo.

  4. I've been start chalking you and I'm really hoping AF is a now show this month!! :)
