Monday, February 1, 2010

Injection site speculation...

So I mentioned before that I wondering if the site of the injection made a difference in which ovary responded more. I asked this question on the Infertility board on the and the general consensus was no, but today's monitoring had left me wondering again. By cd6 I'd done two shots on my right side, which had a 9mm follie, and one shot on my left, which only had a 7mm. So I switched up my pattern a bit and gave myself shots on the left 2 days in a row and only one on the right. On cd9, I now have a 10mm follie on the left and a 10x11mm follie on the even # of injections = even size of dominant follies? lining is doing well without the aid of the pom juice. I am taking baby aspirin at the recommendation of my RE so maybe that helped. It is around 6.5. I am hoping I can take tomorrow off because they had to stick both my arms this morning to find a vein and they hurt. :(

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