Wednesday, September 29, 2010

baseline is done!

I took my last BCP on Sunday and today was my baseline scan and our injection training.  The training went pretty quickly.  R has finally realized exactly what I'm going to be subjected to for this.  He had to practice giving the intra-muscular trigger shot (same needle as PIO shot) on this rubber thing they had.  Even though I told him many times, it didn't really sink in just how big these needles are, or that he would be sticking them and inch and a half into his wife....for 10 weeks if all goes well.

R also dropped off his back-up sperm sample on Monday for freezing.  I asked what his numbers were and they gone way up since last year SA!

Last year's:
count = above 30 million (anything over 20mil is normal)
motility = 53% (over 50 is normal)
morph = 7% (between 5 and 14 is normal)

count = 84 million
motility = 54%
morph = 12%

And that is just for back-up, hopefully the fresh one will be even better.  I am really pleased that the morph went up, that was always one area of concern for me, even though the RE always said it was fine.

So....Friday both R and I start doxycycline for 5 days, and I start my Follistim and low-dose HCG.  Speaking of which, it is a good thing I drug all those meds in to be checked, because despite my calling the office to double check I the right stuff when they came in, the pharmacy actually sent the trigger and not the low dose HCG.  They told me they'd send everything but the trigger.  So I need to call and have them overnight that now.


  1. I'm excited for you. I hope he sticks you with that needle for the 10 required weeks.
