Friday, August 28, 2009

b/w + small veins = ouch

I had my cd3 b/w, and my veins didn't want to cooperate at all. She couldn't find a vein at all in my left arm, so she tried the right and it took several minutes to find anything. I joked that I should have gone running before the appointment. My poor arm now has a bruise even though she used the smallest needle possible.

Even though my appointment was at 7:30, right when the office opened, the place was already packed. There was one woman who looked extra scared to be there, and I couldn't help but feel grateful that I found the message boards on Since no one IRL knows we are having trouble, I have wonderful support and information there. I can't imagine struggling through this alone.

R had his b/w as well this morning and also dropped off his SA. I left him a voicemail asking him to find out when he should expect to hear the results, but he forget, so I guess we'll see.


  1. i'm SO sorry i forgot to tell you to get there very early, even though they say the b/w starts at 730am.

    the SA results usually come in a week or so.

    lucky guy. you'd think that was the worst test to have to go through, but now he's done! sucks to be a woman sometimes. ;)

  2. It wasn't too long a wait....I was out of there in 20 or so.

    SA takes a whole week or more? gah!

  3. DH didn't get his results for 2 weeks, because they seemed to have forgotten to call him. he now annoys me because he recieved "excellent" results.
