Friday, July 16, 2010

this morning's conversation

(from the bathroom)

me:  honey, can come in here?
(R get outs of bed and come in)
me: can you see that second line??

R: where am I looking?

me: there (points to faint line)

R: oh.  yeah, but it is so faint.

me:  I know....(deep shakey breath) and that is a pregnancy test.

My 2ww symptoms never left after a very short AF, so I've been testing with cheapies on and off just to be sure.  This morning's test (at cd14) had a super faint pink almost right away, naturally not soon enough for me to not dump the pee cup, so I couldn't confirm with a better test.  After 10 minutes or it faded so much that it just looks like an evap line....but there was something there...even R saw it.

So I called the RE and asked if I should wait to confirm with a digital or come in.  They said to come now I am in the dreaded beta wait.  Despite the terrible heartburn and super sore boobs, I can't tell myself that I am pregnant for now because maybe the test was just crappy.   I have a digital in my purse and I might use it around lunchtime if I haven't gotten the call...just to brace myself for it.  Not a big fan of POAS at work though.  We will see.